As Featured On

A Word From The Author

I wanted to leave something behind that proved I was here, I existed, I have a voice, and I think a talent for
telling a story. When I look at the generations that lived before me, I can see them through recorded movies,
music, art, and books. And it’s beautiful to realize while they’re no longer with us we can still see their image,
hear their voices, read their stories, and experience their talents. I’d like to be a small part of that.

Lillie Timmons

What Readers Are Saying


5 out of 5

This story creates visuals that take you through the journey first hand with Bella and her complicated romance with a man (Ettore) she thought she knew everything about.. no more spoilers.. A wonderfully composed easy to read book for those of us that enjoy being entertained at home, in travel, or anywhere. The Don is fantastic!

Jason Louie Timmons

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on November 8, 2022

A wonderful read and very worth it


Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on November 13, 2022

A very amazing romance book!


Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on December 1, 2022

The Don…..
What can I say other than this book takes you on a journey outside your own day to day routine. The authors words flowed with ease. The only hard thing I experienced while reading it, was that I couldn’t put it down. It was an escape filled with romance, deception and just enough steam to make you turn quickly to the next page to find out more. It had the ability to get you invested in the characters of the story and what will happen next in their layered lives. So much so, I’m curious if there will be a sequel so I can find out what happens next to our dear Bella and co…
Great story ❤️

Sammi F

Reviewed in the Canada 🇺🇸 on December 8, 2022


This Week In America

The Don: A Story of Discovery, Deception, and Defiance

People Of Distinction